The Pros and Cons of Traditional Braces vs Invisalign

When it comes to straightening your teeth, you have two main options: traditional braces and Invisalign. Both are forms of orthodontic treatment, but they differ significantly. Traditional braces use high-tech metal brackets and wires inside the mouth during treatment to change the position of the teeth, while Invisalign uses a series of custom transparent alignment trays to move the teeth. If you're in the Preston area and need help deciding between braces or Invisalign, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Braces have more strength to move teeth to the desired position than Invisalign, which is limited in terms of the number of teeth that can be moved at one time.

While the button-shaped accessories are similar to the color of your teeth, they may look like you're wearing transparent braces instead of aligners. Orthodontic appliances are made of metal and are glued to each tooth before connecting them together by wire. Elastics are often used in this process to align the teeth. Dental care centers recommend Invisalign instead of traditional orthodontic appliances, as they are transparent and very difficult to identify, reducing the social anxiety experienced by people who wear them. Lingual (internal) orthodontic appliances are often compared to Invisalign because both offer an almost invisible appearance. Conditions that can be treated with Invisalign include teeth that are too widely spaced, teeth that are too crowded, overbite, crossbite, mild relapse (after treatment with traditional braces), and some simple bite irregularities.

However, if we analyze their effectiveness, orthopedic appliances can treat more complex dental problems, while aligners are excellent for placing teeth in their ideal position and improving their appearance when tooth movements are not too complicated. Depending on the specific problem, some treatments are difficult, if not impossible, to achieve with Invisalign alone, so your orthodontist may discuss the possibility of finishing tooth positions with braces, which could result in a more expensive treatment. You may have several dental and facial problems that need to be corrected; braces can be used to solve each of them and end the treatment with an incredible smile. If you don't clean your teeth properly, you run the risk of plaque building up around your orthodontic appliances, which can cause stains and tooth decay. Stainless steel, tooth-colored ceramics, gold-plated ceramics and even braces that are placed behind the teeth, as well as other elements such as elastic bands and wires will still be visible. In conclusion, both traditional braces and Invisalign have their advantages and disadvantages. Traditional braces can achieve a better result than Invisalign but may be more visible.

On the other hand, Invisalign is less visible but may not be able to treat more complex dental problems. Ultimately it is up to you and your orthodontist to decide which option is best for you.

Callie Bawcombe
Callie Bawcombe

Music guru. Award-winning tea scholar. Hardcore travel ninja. Extreme coffee fanatic. General internet expert.