Do I Need to Have Any Teeth Extracted for Invisalign Treatment?

Unlike traditional braces, the use of Invisalign orthodontic care does not require tooth extraction. Invisalign uses transparent plastic molds that fit perfectly to the teeth and, eventually, the patient can remove them to brush, eat and clean the “orthopedic appliance” when the treatment has advanced to an advanced stage. This clear orthodontic aligner system can effectively treat orthodontic problems and, in some cases, eliminate the need for tooth extractions. However, it isn't a one-size-fits-all treatment.

To find out if Invisalign is right for you, you'll need to meet with an Invisalign certified dentist or orthodontist. The aligners are made of a thermoplastic material that was specially developed for Invisalign technology. These aligners straighten your teeth by making small adjustments to the position of each tooth. Aligners cause teeth to move gradually over the course of two weeks.

After two weeks, new aligners will be placed and the process will be repeated until the treatment ends. The treatment usually lasts about a year and your dentist will draw up a plan according to the needs of your mouth. Your dentist may have mentioned that you need a tooth extraction before starting the Invisalign procedure. However, many orthodontists who use aligner therapy regularly don't perform extraction treatments with Invisalign. Depending on the demographics of your patients, you may never feel the need to use this technique.

If you are punching in adolescent cases, class I, class II, deep bites, etc., stay away. It's really no fun to see doctors who have treated very few cases embark on the treatment of removing the aligner. Orthodontists suggest that patients have their wisdom teeth removed before receiving Invisalign treatment. This is because emerging wisdom teeth can disrupt the teeth alignment process. Patients who do not have their wisdom teeth removed before having Invisalign placed usually have to stop treatment and have their wisdom teeth removed for the best results after continuing treatment with Invisalign. The timing of wisdom teeth removal will vary from patient to patient.

In some cases, it may be advisable to perform this procedure before starting orthodontic treatment. In other cases, wisdom teeth extraction may wait until you are finished with Invisalign or the braces have been removed. There are also cases where wisdom tooth extraction can be completed while you have braces.

While Invisalign is a great option for many patients, it may not solve their dental problems.

Delaying wisdom tooth extraction for too long may create the need for a second round of orthodontic treatment. Many young adults who want to use Invisalign wonder if they need to have their wisdom teeth removed before putting on these braces. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign requires no wires or braces, so there's no need to tighten or anything that could create sores in the mouth.

I want to reduce my profile, and that would require 4 tooth extractions. The dentist I trust in the orthodontics department at Tufts University tells me that I would only do it if I wear normal orthodontic appliances. If overcrowding is your problem, Invisalign can expand your dental arch and allow your teeth to move to the correct position. When used in conjunction with orthodontic treatment such as Invisalign, you may not need a tooth extraction.

New features are released for all orthodontists, dentists and other dental professionals who use the Invisalign product. I can appreciate that, when performed correctly, cases with extraction treatment can be predictable and a positive experience for both the orthodontic office and the patient. Patients undergoing orthodontic treatment are likely to want to remove their wisdom teeth at some point in order to preserve the results of orthodontic appliances or Invisalign. If the impacted teeth are located just below the surface, it is recommended to remove them, as they will affect the alignment of your child's dental appliances.

Most parents are concerned about whether they should invest in Invisalign braces before their children's wisdom teeth come out. It is important to remember that delaying wisdom tooth extraction for too long may create the need for a second round of orthodontic treatment.

Callie Bawcombe
Callie Bawcombe

Music guru. Award-winning tea scholar. Hardcore travel ninja. Extreme coffee fanatic. General internet expert.