Can I Play Sports Safely with Braces On?

The short answer is yes; you can play sports and wear braces simultaneously. However, there is a greater risk of injury to the mouth, since there is the possibility of being hit in the face with a ball, colliding with other players, etc. While these injuries aren't usually life-threatening, they can be extremely painful and expensive to repair. A quick way to reduce your chances of suffering a mouth injury is to wear a mouth guard while playing sports.

As an orthodontist, a question I get all the time is, “Can my child play sports safely with braces?” It's an important question for children, but it also applies to adults who wear braces. After all, activities such as mountain biking and Ultimate Frisbee pose potential risks to your teeth, especially with braces on. So to answer the question, is it safe to play sports with braces on? Yes, you can wear braces and play sports. While you're undergoing orthodontic treatments, you no longer have to spend time sitting on the bench and missing all your playing time in your sport.

No matter what sport you play, whether it's baseball, soccer, basketball or any other sport, you can continue playing together with your teammates. Wearing braces won't stop you from playing. Children and adults who play sports need to protect their teeth and their investment in treatments to get a beautiful smile. Are you wondering if you can play sports right after you put on your braces? Well, yes you can.

However, you should take certain precautions to ensure that there is no risk to your braces or your teeth. When you play sports, you have a greater risk of injury; for example, there is a high probability that you will be hit in the face with a ball, that you will fall or collide with other players, etc. These orthodontic emergencies are easy to handle and are not life-threatening, but they can be painful and expensive to resolve. It can even extend the duration of treatment.

Therefore, the best way to save your teeth and reduce your chances of suffering mouth injuries is to wear a mouth guard while playing sports. Orthodontic mouthguards are usually larger than the more common non-orthodontic mouthguards to have extra space for braces to fit. Orthodontic mouth guards are made a little wider, fit snugly and cover all braces, gums and teeth. While mouth injuries are a common phenomenon, the best way to ensure that teeth and braces are safe is to wear braces.

If you are undergoing orthodontic treatment and want to make sure that your teeth are safe while you play sports, visit the best orthodontist and get a mouthguard tailor-made for sports with orthodontic appliances. We hope this information has helped you and, with the help of a mouth guard, you can now play sports immediately after putting on your braces. One of the most common concerns among patients who wear braces is whether there are restrictions when playing sports. Orthodontic appliances use constant pressure on the teeth to bring the teeth back to a perfect, straight position.

So why are mouth guards important? Can you continue playing sports if you have metal braces? In general, most orthodontists agree that you can continue to be active with braces as long as you take precautions. Protecting your smile while playing sports is essential to following your orthodontic treatment plan. If you have braces in Dallas or Fort Worth, TX, MINT Orthodontics strongly recommends that you wear a custom sports mouth guard. The main purpose of an orthodontic mouth guard is to protect your teeth while you play sports or at other times while undergoing orthodontic treatment.

A common concern of people who wear braces is whether there will be any restrictions when playing sports. Get ready for your next sports season by visiting your local orthodontist in western North Carolina, Blue Ridge Orthodontics.

Callie Bawcombe
Callie Bawcombe

Music guru. Award-winning tea scholar. Hardcore travel ninja. Extreme coffee fanatic. General internet expert.